Massage therapy is known to be one of the most rising therapies in the modern society. Individuals around the world use different types of massage therapies to gain relief to various kinds of health issues. Message therapies are usually benefited to sportsman, however, despite of the job everyone have tried massage therapy at least once in a lifetime. Among the many types of massages remedial massage Glen Waverley has proved to give more health benefits compared to others. This is usually used to locate and repair damaged areas of the body and increase the speed of body’s healing processors.

Benefits of a remedial rubdown

The main benefit of this massage therapy is that it can stimulate the bloody supply and helps to repair the damaged tissues of the body. Apart from that it helps to reduce pain, reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility and joint movement. Stabilizing and easing the body muscles can help individuals to reduce headaches, abdominal pain, sciatic pain and lower back pain. Few of the most common health issues that are treated with this types of medical massage are sports injuries, dance injuries, muscle cramps, arthritis, frozen shoulder and whiplash.

What if massage therapy doesn’t work?

If massage therapy does not work, you can always try dry needling Mulgrave method. This is a method that uses acupuncture needles to be inserted into specific areas of the muscles. Not anyone can do this. It should be done by a physiotherapist who is trained in acupuncture. Practitioners identify ‘trigger points’ of the pain or injury and insert the needle into those areas. These needles are called dry needles because it don’t insert any fluid into the body. VIsit this link for more info on dry needling Mulgrave.

.Benefits of dry needling

Same as massage therapy, acupuncture is used to relief muscle pain and stiffness. In addition to that, reducing the pain of the trigger points also improve the flexibility and the range of motion. This form of therapy especially benefit individuals with spinal pains or muscle stains. Few of the most common health issues which are treated using acupuncture are shoulder pain, tennis elbows, headache, sciatica and other muscle related pains. Some individuals find this method uncomfortable and painful. Therefore, using the method to treat everyone might not be the best option.

Risks of massage therapy and acupuncture

Most people benefit from these methods, but it is extremely important to consult a professional before attending sessions. There are some individual conditions where these methods might even put your life at a risk. Therefore, before taking a risk discuss the pros and cons with a specialist.